El Bosque Dentro / The Forest Within
El Bosque Dentro / The Forest Within
Silkscreen, 2012, 5 prints available
Developed during a silkscreen residency at Serie Print Project, Austin, Texas.
Serie Project is an initiative of the Coronado Studio.
Based on a series of works inspired by nature, especially trees, that I’ve been developing throughout the years. I spent part of my childhood in the countryside, in a sugar cane plantation in Yauco, Puerto Rico. Luscious vegetation a surrounded my grandparents’ old house that dated back when the island was a Spanish colony. One of my games was pretending I had magic powers and could communicate with plants and trees. Those early perceptions and awe of nature have been very influential in my approach to art and to life in general. In this particular work, I’ve tried to recreate the sensation of being one with nature, of seeing beyond the surface of things.